Tuesday, 16 June 2009

I feel Like Jane Austen

So I've abandoned the poker idea, along with all the other ideas I tend to dream up. Instead I've come up with a really FANTASTIC idea. I'm going to write a comedy series (I don't like the word sit-com because it reminds me of Friends, which is in no way witty). Me and Kieran (@incroyable for all you tweeps) are busy planning it at the minute. But I can't tell you what it's about because you would naturally be very tempted to steal it, because as I said, it is a FANTASTIC idea. I have two rules for success, 1.) Don't tell all you know....
All I will say is that I'm very excited, so excited in fact that I've become obsessed and have stopped sleeping so that I have more time to write =)
My Mam once went to a psychic (a good one who was correct about many different things) who said that between me and my sister, one would be a very highly educated scholar, and one would be on TV and in the media. So maybe that could come true? God I'm so pathetically positive.
In other news, my tattoo has healed..... BREAKING NEWS I know!
I'm still jogging. Although lately I feel like my legs are constantly aching. I'm always walking like I've shit myself too, which isn't a good look for me if I'm honest. May have to become a middle-aged man and buy some deep heat.
Have also applied for a job distributing catalogues. The woman seems really interested, but I haven't told her I don't have a car and can't drive. Do you think she'll mind? I won't tell her and will just deliver them on foot.... I'll run! Imagine if I kept up the job for months, pretending my car was round the corner and I was going to put all the catalogues in the boot, just to earn a bit of cash. It's like something out of "Pursuit of Happyness".

Anyhoo, that's about it from me.
Check out this page if you are looking to write something of your own:


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